
Every challenge faced holds opportunity for growth. Our counsellors lovingly walk alongside you to nurture wisdom from within, transforming hardship into healing so your spirit may flourish.

Counselling to Nurture Whole Health and Resilience

Our compassionate counsellors walk with you through inner darkness into light. We provide strength-based support for holistic healing tailored to your unique needs – facilitating community connection, tools for resilience, and access to psychiatry services.

Together we honour the power within you to transform adversity into personal growth and purpose. Our approach is founded on envisioning a vibrant community where all overcome struggles with mental illness, grief, addiction, and trauma by rediscovering their self-worth and capacity to thrive.

Every challenge confronted is an opportunity. By embracing obstacles with an open heart, we cultivate inner wisdom. Our counsellors lovingly nurture your journey toward hope and joy using interventions including:

  • Individual, couple and family counselling to build healthy communication and coping skills.
  • Customized treatment plans coordinated with psychiatrists and other care providers.
  • Traditional cultural practices and ceremonies to nourish spiritual wellness.
  • Support groups to ease isolation, foster understanding, and promote collective healing.
  • Community education for suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

We remain dedicated to holistic wellness, empowerment, and community growth. Our door is open to all seeking compassionate support to transform hardship through connection, find light in darkness, and nourish seeds of resilience into a bountiful, meaningful life. Let us walk this journey together.

With care and confidentiality, our counsellors welcome referrals to nurture those seeking an open heart to help heal their own.

Experienced Counsellors Ready to Support Your Healing Journey

Our team of 5 qualified counsellors have compassionately served this community for years. They can provide customized counselling and care for any Seabird member seeking support. Please reach out to our medical clinic, our nurses, or our Assistant Health Director Lolly Andrew to discuss referrals. Referrals can also be made by contacting us at

No matter your age or specific needs, our counsellors are here to listen, understand, and walk with you on your journey toward mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. Together we will nurture your inner wisdom and strength to transform challenges into growth. You don’t need to navigate this alone – we are here to bear witness to your resilience and empower your healing, step-by-step.

Connect with Compassionate Counselling Support

To learn more about our caring counselling services or request a referral, please reach out. We are here to listen and guide you on your journey toward mental, emotional and spiritual wellness.

Call our band office:

Phone: (604) 796-2177

You can also schedule a confidential appointment through our Band Office in person.

Our Band Office