Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel
Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel - What’s happening on Seabird Island
In Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel, we will:
- Provide a list of upcoming events, classes, and activities.
- Offer a simple source for finding community involvement information.
- Aim to increase attendance from Community Members.
- Demonstrate transparency through more consistent information updates.
- Engage and build relationships with more Community Members.
Excitingly, we present the inaugural edition of our bi-weekly schedule, delivering valuable content in 2-4 pages to deepen your connection with the community. From highlighting upcoming events to serving as a resource for community involvement, our goal is to foster greater engagement among members. With a focus on language, we have incorporated it into the title of this schedule, Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel (Whats happening on Seabird Island)?
Our commitment to transparency is evident in consistent updates, ensuring you’re well-informed about community developments. We seek to enhance participation and attendance, encouraging active involvement from each member. We are also launching the Sq’éwqel Sqwélqwel Pípé (Seabird Island Story / News Paper) this spring. A monthly source of community information and entertainment, expect program updates, fact-based articles, editorial insights, practical tips, and entertaining sections. Anticipate a newspaper that informs as well as engages, entertains, and enriches the lives of our Community Members. As we embark on this journey together, our ultimate goal is to build stronger relationships within our community. Thank you for doing your part as our readership.
Calendar of Events
Feb 1, 2025
Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel – What’s happening On Seabird Island
Past Editions