Community Notices

Schákwel tl’ Sq’éwqel | Sq’éwqel Sqwélqwel Pípé

Reconnect and Rejuvenate at Seabird Island

After two years of isolation, Seabird Island looks forward to safely reopening our doors and bringing our community back together. We recognize the toll COVID-19 has taken on our collective mental, emotional, and spiritual health. While the pandemic challenged us all, it could not break our bonds. Now we eagerly anticipate renewed social interaction between staff and community members.

Seabird plans to resume in-person gatherings, including meetings, workshops, ceremonies, and community dinners. We welcome visitors to join upcoming events like our high school graduation, provided they follow our COVID-19 precautions. Most importantly, we look forward to seeing our elders, youth, and all community members once again.

As we open our doors, safety remains the top priority. Our COVID-19 protections include:

  • Mandatory masking in all Band Office common areas
  • Providing ample hand sanitizer
  • Continued hand washing reminders
  • Asking those feeling unwell to stay home
  • Encouraging vulnerable groups to take precautions after large gatherings

The future shines brightly as we come back together. Seabird Island’s light was never extinguished during the darkest days. Now we emerge stronger, more resilient, and filled with joyful anticipation for collective healing. Join us as we reopen our wings.

Seabird Island Story

June 2024

Our Latest Schedule

July 1 – 15 2024


July 26, 2024

Community Safety & Toxic Substances | Reward

Dear Seabird Island Community,

Again, we raise our hands to each and every person, who attended the Seabird Island Town Hall Community Meeting last night, on July 25, 2024. We appreciate those who have used their voices to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of our Community. Your feedback informs our approach to programs, services and community events.

Thank you for your courage.

Please know, all of the information and tips that are provided to the RCMP and/or the Seabird Safety line calls us to work harder to keep our Community safe, because there is zero tolerance for harm being inflicted upon our People – our Family.

We are all a Community Family, and when it comes to our Family, we cannot let the actions of a few individuals come between us. More than ever before, we must come together to support each other.

Ólhetchexw (respectfully),
– SIB Administration

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July 26, 2024

Internet Issues at Strawberry Island/Ya:la Drive

Dear Seabird Island Community,

The Seabird Island internet is experiencing issues in the Strawberry Island and Ya
Drive areas.

We do not have an estimated time of repair yet, but please know that we are aware of the issue and we are working on it.

Thank you for your understanding.

– SIB Information Technology (IT) Program

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July 26, 2024

Sq’éwqel Pride Event | Featuring VENUS (Winner of Canada’s Drag Race S4)

When: August 7, 2024 | 3:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: 2895 Chowat Road

Free Dinner and Dessert for the First 200 People!

Everyone Welcome | Family Friendly | Tons of Free Stuff

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July 24, 2024

HEARING CLINIC – With Amplifon

Date: August 1, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Age: 19+

Location: Elders Lounge
Limited appointments available.

Hearing, screening, adjustments, cleanings, and battery replacements when needed.
Book appointment at: (604)-796-2165

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July 24, 2024

Acupuncture Clinic
Seabird Island Doctor’s Office

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
10 am – 4 pm
Call today to book your appointment!(604) 796-2165

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July 22, 2024

Lemonade Stand | By Donation

When: July 19, July 26, August 16 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Where: Employment Services

An entrepreneurial event supporting the Youth Employment & Youth Work Experience Program. All proceeds go to the YEP/YWEP graduation event.

Join us at Employment Services for a refreshing summer treat!

  • Lemonade
  • Freezies
  • Popcorn

For more information, please contact:

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July 19, 2024


When: July 25, 2024 | Dinner at 5 PM
Where: Seabird Island Band Office Gym

Seabird Island Community,
This is an in-person meeting for your opportunity to ask questions, receive information and be heard by Chief and Council, and by our partners: FNHA, Fraser Health and RCMP.

For more information, please contact:  604-796-2177.

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July 15, 2024

Community Food Hampers | July 17, 2024

When: July 17, 2024 | 12-5 PM
Where: Seabird Island Band Office Gym

Eligibility: At least one SIB Member must reside in the home. Limit of one (1) food hamper per household.

Elders: Deliveries will be made on July 18, if you’re unable to pick up on July 17. Please contact Haley/Emerald for details.

For any questions about the Community Food Hamper Program, please contact: or call 604-796-6813.

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July 15, 2024

Call Out for Volunteers:

Lunch Provided!

If you would like to volunteer for the next Quarterly Hampers.
Please contact Charlene or Celeste at 604-796-2177 to sign up:

Monday, July 15
12:00 – 4:00 pm

Tuesday, July 16
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Wednesday, July 17
8:30 am – 5:30 pm

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July 9, 2024

Drop-in Cooling Centre |  Wed, July 10, 2024, 12 – 8 pm
Millennium Hall

Cool kits available for pick-up, Beverages and snacks available.

Afternoon & Evening Movie Get-away Tickets
Please reserve your tickets by 4pm Tuesday to avoid disappointment.

Transportation options available
for those who have little or no access to transportation.
Please reserve your seat to ensure we have room for everyone!

Book your tickets or transportation at:
604-796-7006 or

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July 7, 2024

HEAT ALERT | Forecasted from Sun, July 7 through Wed, July 10, 2024

Seabird Chief and Council and the Emergency Preparedness Team are working together on various options on how to stay safe and stay cool during the high temperatures that we will be experiencing over the next few days.

Today (Sunday, July 7th) the Health and Elders Teams will be reaching out to various Community Members to discuss options during this Heat Alert.

Please check in with your Elders, young families, neighbours and those with health conditions.

Stay tuned for ongoing communication, supported by Council and Administration, on various cooling options for additional services and programs that will be developed and considered based upon needs.

For questions, contact 604-796-2177 Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4 PM.


Bonnie Nickel at 604-795-0297 or by email at

Heat Alert | EOC Heat Wave (Family Tips) | EOC Baby Care pg.1 | EOC Baby Care pg.2


July 5, 2024


When: July 17, 2024 | 12-5 PM
Where: Outside Band Office Gym

For more information or to register as a vendor contact

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July 4, 2024

COMMUNITY NOTICE | Reports of Rattlesnake in Community

There are reports of a rattlesnake loose in the Community.

Please be aware of your surroundings, and keep your children close.

Do not approach or attempt to trap it.

If you see the rattlesnake, please call professionals to safely relocate the snake:

  • Conservation Officer Reporting Line at 1-877-952-7277;
  • Animal Control Office at 1-844-495-2273;
  • Agassiz RCMP Non-Emergency Line at 604-796-2211.

    – SIB Administration

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July 4, 2024

COMMUNITY NOTICE | Water Conservation Due To Pump Station Repair

Effective July 3, 2024, until Further Notice

Éy swayél Seabird Island Community,

By working together as a Community, we can preserve Seabird Island’s water supply, which will ensure enough water is available over summer for everyone on reserve.


  • Seabird Island has limited water tower capacity.
  • Using less water conserves the supply, energy and money.
  • It is good for the environment.
  • We need to ensure we have water in the event of a fire.


  • Washing your vehicles.
  • Watering your lawn/grass.
  • Regularly filling, dumping, and refilling pools. When pools are often emptied and refilled, it takes a toll on Seabird Island’s water system.

Conserving water as a Community can make sure that our Community has consistent access to clean water for drinking, cleaning, hygiene, and sanitation in daily life.

For more information, please contact our Lands Program:
604-796-2177 |

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July 4, 2024

Seabird Island Optometry Clinic

Dates: August 8 – 9, 2024 | Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm | Place: Seabird Band Office

For an appointment please contact your Community Health Representative OR
Call / Email 604-991-0818 or

Adults eligible once every 2 years

0 – 18 eligible once a year

65+ eligible once a year

Please Enter through the main entrance of the Band Office.

Masks are recommended, not required.

Are you sick or not feeling well? If so, please reschedule your appointment.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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July 3, 2024

REWARD AVAILABLE – Work Together To Keep Our Community Safe

REWARD AVAILABLE for information leading to an arrest and the immediate end to distribution of moonshine in our Community.

We have learned that over recent months there are Community Members making and selling moonshine. After consuming this product, Community Members continue to be harmed.

Please Call 9-1-1

If you or anyone you know consume this product and become sick, please call 9-1-1 immediately

If you have any information regarding the making or distribution of Moonshine:

  • Please call RCMP Non-Emergency line 604-796-2211; or
  • The newly developed Seabird Safety line 604-796-6900.

Any voice messages will go directly to an email that will be received by the CAO and Health Lead.

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July 3, 2024

Community Notice – Pesticide Spraying

Éy swayél,

Please note that there will be pesticide spraying (Roundup) this Thursday and Friday
(July 4 and July 5) in the area outlined in red on the map below. Please ensure young children and pets stay off the fields temporarily during this work, and for 24 hours afterwards.

Thank you for your understanding!

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July 3, 2024

Community Notice – Band Office Entrance Detour

Please know, along the sidewalk in front of the Band Office, there are handicap accessibility repairs underway this week. We expect these improvements to be finished by the end of this week. As a result, for everyone’s safety, please kindly detour through the gym doors for access to the Band Office lobby. Additionally, detour signs are posted for your convenience. Thank you for your kind cooperation.

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July 3, 2024

Extreme Heat | Heat Warning Information

As summer approaches it is a good time to remind everyone of the upcoming summer season. Climate change has made our summers warmer and unpredictable. In the last few years there have been some extremely warm summers. Below is information to be aware of:

What is extreme heat/ heat warning?

An Extreme Heat Emergency is when daytime temperatures are above 33 degrees Celsius and increasing over 3 days and nighttime temperatures are above 17 degrees Celsius for those 3 days.

A Heat Warning is when daytime temperatures are at 33 degrees Celsius for 2 days and nighttime temperatures are at 17 degrees Celsius for those 2 days.

Extreme Heat Emergencies and Heat Warnings are issued in collaboration between Environment Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Bonnie Nickel at 604-795-0297 or by email at

Navinder Gill at 604-798-3871 or by email at

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June 25, 2024

Seabird Island Youth – Leaders In Training Program

Leaders in Training (LIT) is a two-day training program for Youth aged 13 – 17 to gain valuable leadership skills in a recreation setting through fun, interactive activities and learning sessions. Following completion of LIT training, participants will have an opportunity to practice what they have learned in summer leadership roles, while gaining job experience and having fun, by working with our summer drop-in camp for children ages 6-12.

Would you like to:

  • Develop leadership skills?
  • Learn to plan recreation programs?
  • Have some fun with other teens?
  • Earn some money this summer?

Youth must have completed grade 7 to register for the Leaders in Training program.

Please contact if you have any questions or need an LIT registration form

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June 25, 2024

School’s Out: Summer Fun Club

Drop-in summer program for children 6 – 12

You can expect: 

  • Games
  • Culture
  • Crafts
  • Sports
  • Outings
  • Music
  • Nature & Outdoors
  • Cooking

When: July 2 – August 30 (except holidays) Monday – Friday from 10 AM – 4 PM
Where: Mill Hall Annex

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June 25, 2024

Sq’éwqel Arts Gala

Families and friends are welcome to join us for a night of film, art, and music! Presented by Youth from the community.

  • When: July 17, 2024 | 6 – 8 pm
  • Where: Seabird Youth Centre

There will be food, drinks, and snacks!

Contact Robert Dunning for more information: 604-819-2781

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June 25, 2024

Sq’éwqel Youth Rock Climbing Club

Learn the skills to rock climb and improve your strength with the help of climbing coach Adam Palmer. Safety is the top priority. Youth will learn how to safely belay each other and set up ropes.

  • Locations and Times TBD each week
  • Transportation, snacks and water provided
  • No experience required
  • Age: 13-20

Youth will have the opportunity to climb indoors and outdoors, connecting with nature in a different way.

Rock climbing builds physical and mental strength and teaches us to rely on each other. This sport will push you while also teaching you about focus and self-trust.

Contact Robert Dunning to register: 604-819-2781

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June 23, 2024

Community Notice – Band Office Curb Replacement

Blue Sea Curbing will be working on the curb letdown (concrete ramps for the sidewalk).

Below are the confirmed dates:

  • Demo: Monday, June 24
  • Installation: Wednesday, June 26

Contact Demi Peters for more information: 604-796-2177

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June 20, 2024

Garbage & Recycling Temporary Schedule Change

Garbage, recycling, and major garbage pick-up are rescheduled due to office closures on Monday, June 24, for Staff Development, and Monday, July 1, for Canada Day.

Below are the confirmed dates:

  • Garbage day: Tuesday, June 25 and Tuesday, July 2
  • Recycling: Wednesday, June 26 and Wednesday, July 3
  • Major Garbage (core): Thursday, July 4

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June 19, 2024

SIB Pet Challenge


  • Weekly Challenges will be posted weekly on the Lands Facebook page according to the schedule.
  • Each challenge will specify what is required, whether it is a photo or a video and where to deliver.
  • Deadline for submission is September 3. You can submit at any time before this date. The results will be published on September 6.
  • More challenges you complete, the more points you get! Note that there are bonus points to be won.
  • Have fun! Enjoy a summer of bonding with your pets.

Email your pictures and questions to:

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June 18, 2024

Event – Rescheduled to June 25th – Enbridge Sunrise Information Session

Enbridge is pleased to invite all Seabird Island community members to an upcoming meeting on the proposed Sunrise Expansion Program (Project).

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June 18, 2024

National Indigenous Fisheries Institute – ITSD Hub Internship Opportunity

The ITSD Hub is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic intern to join their team for a 3-month paid internship. This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience and contribute to the development of training initiatives that support Indigenous Peoples in the fisheries and oceans sector.

Indigenous youth aged 19-30 from across Canada can apply and are asked to apply by sending a resume and a short statement on why you would like to intern with the Hub, to

  • 3-month paid Internship for Indigenous
    youth (ages 19-30) from across Canada
  • 35hrs/week of remote work
  • Gain experience and support Indigenous
    training in fisheries
  • Deadline 5pm EST – June 28, 2024

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Job Posting

June 14, 2024

Youth Employment Program (YEP) Informational BBQ!

Date: June 20
Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Where: Outside Seabird Youth Centre

Do you want to learn about the World-of-Work?

Intake #1

Start Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

End Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

To find out more about the YEP program, please contact the Employment Centre:
Phone: 604-796-6865.

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June 13, 2024

Sq’éwqel (Seabird Island Band) Education Awards

Date: June 20
Doors Open: 4:45 pm
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Where: Seabird Island Band Office Gym

Buffet Dinner, Face Painting, Glitter Tattoos, Photo Booth, Kona Ice (Snow Cones), Door Prizes!

Come and Celebrate Our Seabird Students!

Special Recognition of: Post-Secondary Graduates, Grade 12 graduates and Honor Roll Students.

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June 12, 2024

Location Update: National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration!

Date: June 21
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: Seabird Island Band Office Gym

Make & Takes – Dinner and Cookies in a Bag, Learn to Make Bannock and Strawberry Freezer Jam, Craft Friendship Bracelets & Hair Ties, Make a Medicine Pouch, Poetry Reading with Columpa Bobb, Halq’eméylem Display, and much more!

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June 12, 2024

Membership Code Family Gathering

Are you and your family interested in learning more about the Membership Code revision? We would like to meet with you and your family to share information on the Membership Code amendments. Your Opinion Matters!

Please contact Simone Jimmie from Seabird’s Membership Program to learn more!

Phone: 604-796-2177 

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June 10, 2024

Fraser Salmon Bulletin No: 2024-1 | Fisheries and Oceans Canada

This is the first Fraser Salmon Bulletin for the 2024 season. These bulletins will be provided every two to four weeks until mid-October. The purpose of this bulletin is to provide you with the links and information to keep yourself up to date on in-season fishing information.

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June 10, 2024

Reminder: Indigenous Community Liaison – Seabird Island Band

Elections Canada is looking for a motivated individual from the Seabird community to serve as an Indigenous Community Liaison for the October 19th Provincial Election polling station.

Training will be provided by Elections Canada prior to the election day on October 19th.

This is an important paid opportunity to help facilitate a positive voter experience and ensure Indigenous voices are heard and respected in the upcoming Provincial Election.
Interested community members should contact:

Membership (Simone Jimmie)
Phone: 604-796-2177 | Email:

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June 10, 2024


For your convenience, the housing waitlist is now hosted on our rental housing and waitlist page.

Housing Waitlist – June 2024

June 7, 2024

National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration!

Date: June 21
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Make & Takes – Dinner and Cookies in a Bag, Learn to Make Bannock and Strawberry Freezer Jam, Craft Friendship Bracelets & Hair Ties, Make a Medicine Pouch, Poetry Reading with Columpa Bobb, Halq’eméylem Display, and much more!

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June 7, 2024

Child & Family Jurisdiction: Taking Care of Our Own

Five Contest Winners

Thank you to all 62 participants for completing the Word Scramble!


Two winners – $100 Gift Certificate each to Agassiz Produce
Congratulations to Richard Louie & Joan Peters

Thank you for all 3 beautiful Colouring Contest entries!

Three Winners – $20 Gift Certificate each to Cabin Fever Bakery
Congratulations to Doreen McIntyre, Laurie Thomas & Bella James

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June 7, 2024

Internet Outage

Dear Seabird Island Community,

On Friday, June 7, 2024, at 12:00 PM (noon) TELUS will be performing standard maintenance on Seabird Island’s Fibre Optic internet line.

This work will result in a temporary internet outage within the Community, which will last for an estimate one (1) hour.

Additionally, please know that during that hour, calls and emails cannot be answered by the Band Office or other Seabird Island facilities.

View Full details.

June 7, 2024

Heat Warning Information and Air Quality information

As summer approaches it is a good time to remind everyone of the upcoming summer season. Climate change has made our summers warmer and unpredictable. In the last few years there have been some extremely warm summers. View full details for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Bonnie Nickel at 604-795-0297 or by email at

Navinder Gill at 604-798-3871 or by email at

Heat Warning Air Quality